PROJECT PROGRAMME WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE CONSULTATION Phase 1, A Bolder Vision for Belfast, sets out how green, walkable, cyclable network of streets and places will improve health for all, revitalise the city’s economy and restore a sense of collective pride in the centre of the city by the communities. This stage resulted in the Visioning Principles and Themes for Change. Phase 2 will provide a tangible vision that creates a green, people focused, connected city centre for current and future users in line with the Visioning Principles set out in Phase 1. This phase follows a collaborative process between the three public agencies (DfI, DfC and BCC) and multiple stakeholder engagement via focus groups, interviews and numerous workshops. This helps collating a number of potential interventions that will shape the future city centre and will influence the way the capital schemes are delivered. This stage is happening now and the current public consultation will form part of this phase. Phase 3 Following the consultation period, we will collate and analyse the stakeholder feedback. A consultation report will be produced which will outline all engagement undertaken with stakeholders and the local community before and during the public consultation. We will review the outcomes of engagement and consultation and where appropriate, accommodate requested changes or alterations to the preferred Strategy. A Bolder Vision for Belfast The outcome of Phases 1-3 will be the production of the Bolder Vision Strategy which will include the range of interventions for the city. The interventions are organised in short term and long term interventions that ensure a step change for the city centre of Belfast.